Parkour has given me a lot of benefits. I've been doing parkour here in cebu for the past 2 years and 11 months. I really want to share with you why you should also practice parkour.

why you should practice parkour
courtesy of Parkour Sugbo

A Full Body Workout

parkour full body workout

Am I right? A full body workout? Yes! The discipline itself is a full body workout. Even without the conditioning part of parkour. You climb, run, sprint, jump, roll, vault, and other different stunts when you are doing parkour. Then add parkour conditioning. :)

Parkour is Fun

courtesy of Parkour Sugbo
Parkour is just like playing. You were a child once. It is like bringing out your inner child. When you were a kid, you are running, climbing, and doing other physical activities, and it was fun, right? But to know how fun parkour really is, you must try it.

Self Awareness

self awareness parkour sugbo
courtesy of Parkour Sugbo
The longer you practice parkour, the more you will understand the environment around you. A traceur (parkour practitioner) must adapt to his/her environment. This kind of awareness reminds me of a saying, "If you want to change the world, start with yourself". Parkour makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses as a person and your overall personality. 

Increased Confidence

courtesy of Parkour Sugbo
Practicing parkour increases your confidence. Why? Parkour training and conditioning not only trains you are body, but also your mental and emotional aspect. Parkour push you to do your limit. In doing your best you feel more accomplish, and when you feel more accomplish, then you feel more confident. When you lack of confidence on something that you are doing, just remember your training in parkour.

Makes You a Better Person

why you should practice parkour
courtesy of Parkour Sugbo
In a sense, parkour is about obstacles. Just like our problems which can be an obstacle of what we want to have or to be. Parkour gives a good mental pattern on how to handle a situation. How you handle obstacles in parkour is somehow like in correlate on how you handle your problems in your life or in a given situation.

Thank you Parkour Sugbo for letting me use some of the photos. Do you want to be part of the parkour community in Cebu? Do visit their facebook fan page and facebook group page.

Do you have any questions or anything to add? Comment me below. :)